Frequently Asked Questions

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We get these questions a lot. Here are our best answers...

We assign a dedicated project manager to your account. Together, we schedule calls to ensure delivery is on time, all while strictly adhering to change control and cybersecurity best practices to minimize disruption.

Expect monthly or quarterly service reviews covering KPIs, SLA adherence, and any action items needing attention. We’re committed to your ongoing success and satisfaction.

Consulting comes as a benefit of doing business with us—no charge! We value our partnership and offer our expertise as part of our commitment to your success.

Our rates for vCISO and related services are competitive and based on the scope of work or scheduled engagements. We strive to deliver outstanding value within industry-standard pricing.

We specialize in identifying more current, cost-effective solutions for outdated services. Technology tends to be deflationary, so revisiting your current services with us could lead to significant savings. 

Our contract terms, typically ranging from 1-5 years, are designed to fit your business needs. We also offer customized terms on a case-by-case basis, ensuring a fit that works best for you.

Success is measured through a mix of key performance indicators (KPIs) and your valuable feedback during our service reviews. Our ultimate goal is to earn and maintain your trust through effective, impactful service.

Phew! This is a much shorter answer:  We don’t sell or service Customer’s Hardware (routers, Firewalls, etc.). But we DO provide these as part of a managed services (Opex) which most customers prefer (vs. a CAPex).  So if you think you are due for a refresh, we may be able to bundle it in for FREE!  … lets talk.

Our team boasts a wealth of qualifications, including multiple CISSPs, CCNA, CISM, Network Professionals, and Cloud Security Architects, among other certifications. Our advisors are seasoned veterans, continually evolving their expertise to match the rapid changes in IT and cybersecurity.

We only recommend providers that have achieved relevant certifications (SOC2, HIPAA, ISO27001, CMMC, etc.) and adhere to the highest cybersecurity best practices, ensuring your data’s security and privacy are always a top priority.

Ready to Get Started?

Discover strategic IT and cybersecurity solutions, including network security assessments, vCISO services, and cloud readiness assessments, all designed to drive business efficiency and security. We provide a unified approach to technology that prepares your business for future challenges, ensuring you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape